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Version: 5.0.0

Snapshot Management


  1. Before reading, please finish the Access and Authentication REST API chapter to understand how authentication works.
  2. On Curl command line, don't forget to quote the URL if it contains the special char &.

Snapshot Management

Note: When the Snapshot Management API is enabled, the system will no longer build or refresh snapshots automatically, please manually manage snapshots according to the snapshot list.

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/projects/{project}/snapshot_config
  • Request Permission: ADMIN permission and above
  • Introduced in: 5.0
  • URL Parameters
    • project - required string, project name.
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object
    • snapshot_manual_management_enabled - optional boolean, whether to enable snapshot management. The default value is false.
  • HTTP Header
    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example
curl -X PUT \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/projects/gc_test/snapshot_config' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d '{ "snapshot_manual_management_enabled": true }'
  • Response
"code": "000",
"data": "",
"msg": ""

Create Snapshots

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots

  • Request Permission: OPERATION permission and above

  • Introduced in: 5.0 (Partition building: since 5.0)

  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name.
    • tables - optional array[string], load tables with the format DB.TABLE
    • databases - optional array[string], load all the tables under this database Note: The above two parameters databases and tables cannot be empty at the same time, which means you must use one of them to load tables.
    • priority - optional integer, set job priority with range 0-4 which indicates the priority from high to low. Default value is 3
    • options - optional map[string:args], mapping from table (DB.TABLE) to argument set, args can be set as follows:
      • partition_col - optional string partition column of responding table, null by default.
      • partitions_to_build - optional string only refresh the special partitions
    • yarn_queue - optional string, specify the YARN queue used by the job, it can be set after these two parameters were set: (whether to allow set specified YARN queue for build task, default value is false), (available YARN queues, separate them with English commas)
    • tag - optional object, job tag, if the field is set, when calling the Get Job List API, the field will be the same back when returning the job. It can be used for system integration, mark the job and deal with it accordingly. The maximum size of value is 1 KB. Note: If the loaded table already exists in the system, it will be reloaded.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

curl -X POST \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d '{"project":"gc_test", "tables": ["SSB.P_LINEORDER", "DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT"], "options":{"DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT":{"partition_col":"CAL_DT","incremental_build":"true","partitions_to_build":["2012-03-01","2012-03-04"]}}}'
  • Curl Response Example
"code": "000",
"data": {
"jobs": [{
"job_name": "SNAPSHOT_BUILD",
"job_id": "65b3b0a4-d4d2-4a5b-af29-b190ca420543"
}, {
"job_name": "SNAPSHOT_BUILD",
"job_id": "24aafb93-1cde-43d1-a627-8cd592f51cfe"
"msg": ""

Set Partition Column

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots/config
  • Request Permission: OPERATION permission and above
  • Introduced in: 5.0
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object
    • project - required string, project name.
    • table_partition_col - required map[string:string] The mapping from table (DB.TABLE) to chosen partition column.
  • HTTP Header
    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example
 curl -X POST \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots/config' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d '{"project":"gc_test","table_partition_col":{"DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT":"CAL_DT"}}'
  • Response
"code": "000",
"data": "",
"msg": ""

Refresh Snapshots

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots

  • Request Permission: OPERATION permission and above

  • Introduced in: 5.0 (Partition building: since 5.0)

  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name.

    • tables - optional array[string], load tables with the format DB.TABLE

    • databases - optional array[string], load all the tables under this database

      Note: The above two parameters databases and tables cannot be empty at the same time, which means you must use one of them to load tables.

    • priority - optional int, set job priority with range 0-4 which indicates the priority from high to low. Default value is 3

    • options - required map[string:args], mapping from table (DB.TABLE) to arguments, args can be set as follows:

      • partition_col - required string, partition column of responding table, null by default. If you have set partition columns for tables to be refreshed, here need to enter the corresponding partition column
      • incremental_build - optional boolean, whether keep the built partitions, false by default.
      • partitions_to_build - optional array[string], only refresh the special partitions.
  • yarn_queue - optional string, specify the YARN queue used by the job, it can be set after these two parameters were set: (whether to allow set specified YARN queue for build task, default value is false), (available YARN queues, separate them with English commas)

    • tag - optional object, job tag, if the field is set, when calling the Get Job List API, the field will be the same back when returning the job. It can be used for system integration, mark the job and deal with it accordingly. By default, the maximum size of value is 1024 KB , which can be set by the configure kylin.job.tag-max-size=1024.


    • If the loaded table already exists in the system, it will be reloaded
    • The partition_col in the parameter options is temporarily required. If the interface for setting the partition column has been called before, the correct parameter value must also be filled here
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

curl -X PUT \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-d '{"project":"gc_test", "tables": ["SSB.P_LINEORDER", "DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT"],"options":{"DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT":{"partition_col":"CAL_DT","incremental_build":true,"partitions_to_build":["2012-03-01","2012-03-04"]}}}'
  • Curl Response Example
"code": "000",
"data": {
"jobs": [{
"job_name": "SNAPSHOT_REFRESH",
"job_id": "65b3b0a4-d4d2-4a5b-af29-b190ca420543"
}, {
"job_name": "SNAPSHOT_REFRESH",
"job_id": "24aafb93-1cde-43d1-a627-8cd592f51cfe"
"msg": ""

Delete Snapshots

  • DELETE http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots
  • Request Permission: OPERATION permission and above
  • Introduced in: 5.0
  • URL Parameters
    • project - required string, project name.
    • tables - required array[string], snapshot tables to be deleted, for example:DB.TABLE, multiple tables are splitted by comma. Because the http protocol has a limit on the size of the request header, it is recommended that the length of url is less than 100.
  • HTTP Header
    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example
curl -X DELETE \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots?project=gc_test&tables=SSB.P_LINEORDER%2CDEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Example
"data": {
"database": "DEFAULT",
"table": "KYLIN_CAL",
"job_id": "e3aa809b-5e73-42a5-a1e1-649d53b16e2c"
"database": "DEFAULT",
"table": "P_LINEORDER",
"job_id": "e3aa809b-5e73-42a5-a1e1-649d53b16e2b"

Get Snapshot List

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots

  • Request Permission: QUERY permission and above

  • Introduced in: 5.0

  • URL Parameters

    • project - required string, project name.
    • table - optional string, search key word. Default value is an empty string, will display all the snapshots.
    • page_offset -optional int, offset of returned result, 0 by default.
    • page_size -optional int, quantity of returned result per page, 10 by default.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

curl -X GET \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/snapshots?project=gc_test' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Example
"usage": 5,
"storage": 8555,
"fact_table_count": 2
"lookup_table_count": 2,
"last_modified_time": 1602315332279,
"status": "REFRESHING"