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Version: 5.0.0

Segment Management


  1. Please read Access and Authentication REST API and understand how authentication works.
  2. On Curl command line, don't forget to quote the URL if it contains the special char &.

Get Segment List

Call this API to acquire the Segment list of certain model. After calling the "Replenish Indexes among Segments" API, use this API to confirm if segments are successfully built.

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/segments

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name.
    • project - required string, project name.
    • page_offset - optional int, offset of returned result, 0 by default.
    • page_size - optional int, quantity of returned result per page, 10 by default.
    • start - optional string, start time of segments, 1 by default, type: timestamp, unit: ms.
    • end - optional string , end time of segments, 9223372036854775806 by default, type: timestamp, unit: ms.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X GET \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/SSB_LINEORDER/segments?project=doc_expert' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": {
    "value": [
    "id": "99c547b7-1bc1-4b57-b62a-127c080e1fd2",
    "name": "20120101000000_20130101000000",
    "create_time_utc": 1609209524110,
    "status": "READY",
    "segRange": {
    "@class": "org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.SegmentRange$TimePartitionedSegmentRange",
    "date_range_start": 1325347200000,
    "date_range_end": 1356969600000
    "timeRange": null,
    "parameters": null,
    "dictionaries": null,
    "snapshots": null,
    "last_build_time": 1609209642839,
    "source_count": 2,
    "source_bytes_size": 798009,
    "column_source_bytes": {},
    "ori_snapshot_size": {},
    "additionalInfo": {
    "segment_path": "hdfs://nameservice1/kylin/jrc_kylin/multi_partition/parquet/d5b94380-f84f-481f-b4bb-ffa3f6b3b391/99c547b7-1bc1-4b57-b62a-127c080e1fd2",
    "file_count": "14"
    "is_encoding_data_skew": false,
    "is_snapshot_ready": false,
    "is_dict_ready": false,
    "is_flat_table_ready": false,
    "is_fact_view_ready": false,
    "multi_partitions": [],
    "max_bucket_id": 13,
    "bytes_size": 12520,
    "hit_count": 0,
    "status_to_display": "ONLINE",
    "index_count": 7,
    "index_count_total": 7,
    "multi_partition_count": 2,
    "multi_partition_count_total": 2,
    "row_count": 13,
    "last_modified_time": 1609209642839
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "total_size": 1
    "msg": ""

Refresh/Merge Segments

Call this API to refresh segments or merge consecutive segments. Use this API to refresh Segment when there are index changes, or to merge multiple consecutive small segments to control file number and improve query performance.

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/segments

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name.
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name.
    • type - optional string, refresh segments or merge continuous segments, the optional value should be either REFRESH or MERGE and the default value is REFRESH.
    • ids - optional array[string], segment id list.
    • names - optional array[string], segment name list.

    Notice: For ids and names, one of them must be set, and both cannot be set at the same time or both are empty at the same time.

    • priority - optional int, set job priority with range 0-4 which indicates the priority from high to low. Default value is 3
    • yarn_queue - optional string, specify the YARN queue used by the job, it can be set after these two parameters were set: (whether to allow set specified YARN queue for build task, default value is false), (available YARN queues, separate them with English commas)
  • tag - optional object, job tag, if the field is set, when calling the Get Job List API, the field will be the same back when returning the job. It can be used for system integration, mark the job and deal with it accordingly. By default, the maximum size of value is 1024 KB , which can be set by the configure kylin.job.tag-max-size=1024.

  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X PUT \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/SSB_LINEORDER/segments' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
    -d '{"project":"doc_expert", "ids":["8f3b4040-aa75-4e74-9730-6bf1cae61745"], "type":"REFRESH"}'
  • Response Example


Delete Segments

  • DELETE http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/segments

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name.
    • project - required string, project name.
    • purge - required boolean, whether purge all segments or not.
    • ids - optional array[string], segment id list.
    • names - optional array[string], segment name list.
    • force - optional boolean, whether force to delete, default value is "false".


1.if purge is false, for ids and names, one of them must be set, and both cannot be set at the same time or both are empty at the same time.

2.Because the http protocol has a limit on the size of the request header, it is recommended that the count of the ids or names is less than 100.

  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X DELETE \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/SSB_LINEORDER/segments?project=doc_expert&ids=291b9926-eaba-42d1-9d70-0a587992bea7&purge=false' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Example


Check Segment

Verify whether there are overlapping segments within the model

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/segments/check

  • Request Permission: Operation permission and above

  • Effective Versions: 4.1.1 and above

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name.
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name.
    • start - required string, start time, type: timestamp, unit: ms.
    • end - required string, end time, type: timestamp, unit: ms.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X POST \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/ssb_model/segments/check' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
    -d '{
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": {
    "segments_overlap": [
    "segment_id": "17df7def-f06b-4b67-81d8-4c8368e714dc",
    "segment_name": "19920101000000_19980802000000"
    "segment_id": "1a9c070b-3847-48c6-b938-7109379eef9b",
    "segment_name": "19980802000000_19980803000000"
    "segment_id": "5cece637-daef-47f5-88e9-85b6a247d357",
    "segment_name": "19980803000000_19980804000000"
    "msg": ""

Replenish Indexes of All Segments

Note:Specify the model, build all the missing indexes for all Segments of the model

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/indexes

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name.
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name.
    • priority - optional int, set job priority with range 0-4 which indicates the priority from high to low. Default value is 3
    • yarn_queue - optional string, specify the YARN queue used by the job, it can be set after these two parameters were set: (whether to allow set specified YARN queue for build task, default value is false), (available YARN queues, separate them with English commas)
    • tag - optional object, job tag, if the field is set, when calling the Get Job List API, the field will be the same back when returning the job. It can be used for system integration, mark the job and deal with it accordingly. By default, the maximum size of value is 1024 KB , which can be set by the configure kylin.job.tag-max-size=1024.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X POST \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/ssb_test/indexes' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
    -d '{"project":"ssb"}'
  • Response Details

    • type, job type
      • NORM_BUILD, Build normally
      • NO_LAYOUT, All indexes to be completed are not online
      • NO_SEGMENT, All segments to be completed are not online
    • job_id, the job id will be returned if the type is NORM_BUILD. Otherwise this value will be empty if there is no index or segment.
  • Response Example


Replenish Indexes among Segments

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/segments/completion

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name
    • project - required string, project name
    • parallel - optional boolean, whether build with parallel tasks, by default it is false
    • ids - optional array[string], segment id list
    • names - optional array[string], segment name list

    Notice: For ids and names, one of them must be set, and both cannot be set at the same time or both are empty at the same time.

    • yarn_queue - optional string, specify the YARN queue used by the job, it can be set after these two parameters were set: (whether to allow set specified YARN queue for build task, default value is false), (available YARN queues, separate them with English commas)
    • tag - optional object, job tag, if the field is set, when calling the Get Job List API, the field will be the same back when returning the job. It can be used for system integration, mark the job and deal with it accordingly. By default, the maximum size of value is 1024 KB , which can be set by the configure kylin.job.tag-max-size=1024.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X POST \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/m1/segments/completion?project=ssb&names=19900101000000_19950101000000,19950101000000_19970101000000' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": {
    "jobs": [
    "job_name": "INDEX_BUILD",
    "job_id": "74e28420-e317-42a9-a221-a7b381b5aeea"
    "failed_segments": []
    "msg": ""