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Version: 5.0.0

Model Management

Kylin provides REST APIs on checking model information, index build and model management.

  • On how authentication works, see Access and Authentication REST API.
  • On Curl command line, don't forget to quote the URL if it contains the special char &.
  • On Curl command line, escape %25 if it contains the special char %.

Create Model

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/models

  • Request Permission: MANAGEMENT permission and above

  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name
    • fact_table - required string, fact table name
    • uuid - optional string, model ID, default auto generated
    • alias - required string, model alias name
    • management_type - required string, for model creation please use: MODEL_BASED
    • simplified_measures - required JSON Object[], measures
      • name - required string, measure name

      • expression - required string, function, including: SUM,MIN,MAX,TOP_N,COUNT,COUNT_DISTINCT,CORR,PERCENTILE_APPROX,COLLECT_SET

      • parameter_value - required JSON Object[], measure parameters

        • type - required string, parameter type: constant,column
        • value - required int|string, parameter value (Set value 1 when 'expression' is 'COUNT' and 'type' is 'constant', while others should be: TABLE.COLUMN)
      • return_type - required string, function return type with arguments including: topn(10)、topn(100)、percentile(100) etc., using empty string("") when no return type needed

        Supported return_type values:

        * Top 10: topn(10)
        * Top 100: topn(100)
        * Top 1000: topn(1000)

        * Error Rate < 9.75%: hllc(10)
        * Error Rate < 4.88%: hllc(12)
        * Error Rate < 2.44%: hllc(14)
        * Error Rate < 1.72%: hllc(15)
        * Error Rate < 1.22%: hllc(16)
        * Precisely: bitmap

        * percentile(100)
        * percentile(1000)
        * percentile(10000)
      • comment - optional string, comments

    • simplified_dimensions - required JSON Object[], dimensions info
      • column - required string, format: TABLE.COLUMN
      • name - required string, column alias, may set the same as column name
      • status - required string, fixed value: DIMENSION
    • computed_columns - optional JSON Object[], computed columns info
      • columnName - required string, the new column name
      • expression - required string, expression
      • datatype - required string, data type: VARCHAR,INT,BIGINT ...standard sql types
      • tableIdentity - required string, format: SCHEMA.TABLE
      • tableAlias - required string, table alias
    • join_tables - required JSON Object[], join info
      • table - required string, table name
      • join - required JSON Object, join info
        • type - required string, join type: INNER,LEFT

        • foreign_key - required string[], foreign key

        • primary_key - required string[], primary key

        • simplified_non_equi_join_conditions - optional JSON Object, non-equivalent join conditions

          (note1: The support of this settings should have 'Support History Table' enabled in advance. Seeing Slowly Changing Dimension

          (note2: Join relationship >= and < must be used in pairs, and same column must be joint in both conditions)

          • foreign_key - string, foreign key
          • primary_key - string, primary key
          • op - string, join relationship: LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL
      • kind - optional string, table kind: FACT,LOOKUP, default: LOOKUP
      • alias - optional string, alias
      • flattenable - required string, precomputing associations(precomputing: flatten, no-precomputing: normalized), flatten is suggested
      • join_relation_type - optional string, join type: MANY_TO_ONE,MANY_TO_MANY, default: MANY_TO_ONE
    • partition_desc - optional JSON Object, partition columns info
      • partition_date_column - required string, partition date column, format: TABLE.COLUMN
      • partition_date_format - required string, partition date column format, including: yyyy-MM-dd, yyyyMMdd... Supported date format please check "Model Design Basics"
      • partition_type - optional string, partition type, including: APPEND, default: APPEND
    • owner - optional string, the owner of model, default current user
    • description - optional string, model description
    • capacity - optional string, model capacity, including: SMALL,MEDIUM,LARGE, default: MEDIUM
    • filter_condition - optional string, data filter condition. Data filter condition is an additional data filter during data loading.
    • with_base_index - optional boolean, adding base indexes or not, including base aggregate index and base table index. Base indexes include all dimensions and measures of the model and automatically update as the model changes by default. default: false; It is recommended to use base_index_type after version 4.6.6, with_base_index does not take effect after configuring base_index_type
    • base_index_type - optional Array[String], select the base index type to be added, optional values BASE_AGG_INDEX, BASE_TABLE_INDEX, effective version: 4.6.6
      • [BASE_AGG_INDEX, BASE_TABLE_INDEX] Both the base aggregate index and the base table index are added
      • [BASE_AGG_INDEX] only add the base aggregate index
      • [BASE_TABLE_INDEX] only add the base table index
      • [] does not add base indexes
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X POST \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \

    ### Stringify the following JSON Object when use

    -d '{
    "project": "pj01",
    "fact_table": "SSB.P_LINEORDER",
    "alias": "test_model_01",
    "management_type": "MODEL_BASED",
    "simplified_measures": [
    "name": "COUNT_ALL",
    "expression": "COUNT",
    "parameter_value": [
    "type": "constant",
    "value": 1
    "return_type": ""
    "simplified_dimensions": [
    "column": "P_LINEORDER.LO_ORDERKEY",
    "name": "LO_ORDERKEY",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "column": "P_LINEORDER.LO_CUSTKEY",
    "name": "LO_CUSTKEY",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "name": "LO_ORDERDATE",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "name": "LO_ORDERPRIOTITY",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "column": "P_LINEORDER.V_REVENUE",
    "name": "V_REVENUE",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "column": "DATES.D_YEAR",
    "name": "D_YEAR",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "column": "CUSTOMER.C_NAME",
    "name": "C_NAME",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "column": "CUSTOMER.C_PHONE",
    "name": "C_PHONE",
    "status": "DIMENSION"
    "join_tables": [
    "table": "SSB.DATES",
    "join": {
    "type": "LEFT",
    "foreign_key": [
    "primary_key": [
    "alias": "DATES",
    "flattenable": "flatten",
    "join_relation_type": "MANY_TO_ONE"
    "table": "SSB.CUSTOMER",
    "join": {
    "type": "LEFT",
    "foreign_key": [
    "primary_key": [
    "alias": "CUSTOMER",
    "flattenable": "flatten",
    "join_relation_type": "MANY_TO_ONE"
    "with_base_index": true,
    "base_index_type": ["BASE_AGG_INDEX", "BASE_TABLE_INDEX"]
  • Response Details

    • code - string, response code, succeed: 000, failed: 999
    • msg - string, response message
    • data - JSON Object, response data
      • base_table_index - JSON Object, base index info
        • dimension_count - int, dimension count
        • measure_count - int, measure count
        • layout_id - long, layout id
        • operate_type - string, operation type, including: UPDATE,CREATE
      • base_agg_index - JSON Object, base aggregation index info, same structure as base_table_index
      • warn_code - string, warning code message
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "msg": "",
    "data": {
    "base_table_index": {
    "dimension_count": 8,
    "measure_count": 0,
    "layout_id": 20000000001,
    "operate_type": "CREATE"
    "base_agg_index": {
    "dimension_count": 8,
    "measure_count": 1,
    "layout_id": 1,
    "operate_type": "CREATE"
    "warn_code": null
  • Failed Response Example

    "code": "999",
    "data": null,
    "msg": "KE-010001002(Empty Project Name):Can’t find project information. Please select a project.",
    "stacktrace": "KE-010001002(Empty Project Name) \norg.apache.kylin.common.exception.KylinException: KE-010001002(Empty Project Name):Can’t find project information. ...",
    "exception": "KE-010001002(Empty Project Name):Can’t find project information. Please select a project.",
    "url": "http://host:port/kylin/api/models"
  • Error Code (Specific error message please check real api return.)

    • KE-010001001: Project Not Exist
    • KE-010001002: Empty Project Name
    • KE-010006002: Invalid Partition Column
    • KE-010000003: Invalid Parameter
    • KE-010000002: Invalid Range
    • KE-010000004: Invalid Name
    • KE-010006005: Timestamp Column Not Exist
    • KE-010002010: Failed to Add Models
    • KE-010011001: Duplicate Computed Column Name
    • KE-010007001: Table Not Exist

Get Model List

Call this API to get a list of models under specified project that satisfies certain conditions.

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/models

  • URL Parameters

    • project - required, string, project name.
    • page_offset - optional, int, offset of returned result, 0 by default.
    • page_size - optional, int, quantity of returned result per page, 10 by default.
    • status - optional, string, model status.
    • model_name - optional, string, model name.
    • exact - optional, boolean, whether exactly match the model name, true by default.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X GET \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models?project=doc_expert' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Details

    • Code: String, response code. Returned value: 000 (request processing success), 999 (request processing failed)
    • data: JSON, returned data
      • value: details of the returned data, which consists of:
        • name: String, model name
        • lookups: JSON, detailed list of all dimension tables
        • size_kb: Long, total size of all segments of the models
        • input_records_count: Long, number of flattened tables within all segments
        • input_records_size: Long, size of flattened tables within all segments
        • project: String, project name
        • uuid: String, model ID
        • last_modified: Long, last modified time of the model
        • create_time: Long, model creation time
        • mvcc: Long, version number with metadata modified
        • alias: String, model alias
        • owner: String, model owner
        • config_last_modifier: String, last user who modified the configuration
        • fact_table: String, fact table (one model contains only one fact table)
        • fact_table_alias: String, fact table alias
        • join_tables: JSON, joined tables
        • partition_desc:JSON, partition column
        • all_measures: JSON, all measures within the model
        • multi_partition_desc: JSON, multiple partitions
        • computed_columns: JSON, computed columns
        • canvas: JSON, position of model canvas
        • status: String, model status; Returned value: online, offline, broken, warning
        • last_build_end: String, building time of the last segment
        • storage: Long, total storage size of the model; Unit: byte
        • source: Long, sourceByte sum of all segments in the model
        • expansion_rate: String, model expansion rate; Unit: %
        • usage: Long, queried times of the model
        • model_broken: Boolean, if the model is broken or not
        • root_fact_table_deleted: Boolean, if the fact table is deleted
        • segments: JSON, segment lists
        • recommendations_count: Integer, number of recommendations
        • simplified_measures: JSON, measure list of the models
        • simplified_dimensions: JSON, dimension list of the models
        • simplified_tables: JSON, all tables in the model
    • offset: page number
    • limit: models listed in each page
    • total_size: total number of models
  • Response Example

    "multi_partition_desc": {
    "columns": ["KYLIN_SALES.LSTG_SITE_ID"],
    "partitions": [
    "id": 0,
    "values": [
    "id": 1,
    "values": [
    "max_partition_id": 1

Get Model Description

Call this API to get the descriptions of a model, for example, dimension, measure, fact table, and table join relations.

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{project}/{model_name}/model_desc

    The API response does not contain dimensions and indexes recommended by the system.

  • URL Parameters

    • project - required string, project name.
    • model_name - required string, model name.
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X GET \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Details

    • code: String, response code. Returned value: 000 (request processing success), 999 (request processing failed)
      • data: JSON, returned data
        • uuid: String, model ID
        • last_modified: Long, last modified time of the model
        • name: String, model name
        • project: String, project name
        • dimensions: JSON, dimension information
        • id: Integer, dimension ID
        • name: String, dimension name
        • column: String, column name
        • status: String, status
        • derived: Boolean, if the column is derived dimension
        • measures: JSON, measure information
        • name: String, measure name
        • function: JSON, functions
          • expression: String, expressions
          • parameters: JSON, parameters
            • type: String, parameter type
            • value: String, parameter value
        • returntype: String, returned type
        • id: Integer, measure ID
        • aggregation_groups: JSON, aggregation groups
        • includes: JSON, columns in aggregation groups
        • select_rule: JSON, type of aggregation groups
          • hierarchy_dims: JSON, dimension hierarchy
          • mandatory_dims: JSON, required hierarchy
          • joint_dims: JSON, joint dimensions
          • computed_columns: JSON, (What is Computed Column?)
          • tableIdentity: String, table ID
          • tableAlias: String, table alias
          • columnName: String, column name
          • expression: String, expression of computed columns
          • datatype: String, column type
          • comment: String, notes of the columns
          • rec_uuid: String, primary key of the column
          • fact_table: String, fact table
          • join_tables: JSON, joined tables
            • table: String, table name
            • kind: String, table type; Returned Value: FACT, LOOKUP
            • alias: String, table alias
            • join: String, join relation
              • type: String, join type; Returned Value: INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, OUTER
              • primary_key: JSON, column that is a reference to other tables Data Type: JSON
              • foreign_key: JSON, columns in table that are joined with this table
              • non_equi_join_condition: JSON, non-equi join conditions (object)
              • primary_table: String, current table
              • foreign_table: String, tables joined to current table
            • flattenable: String, if dimension tables are flattened tables, Data Type: String
          • join_relation_type: String, join relations; Returned Value: MANY_TO_ONE, ONE_TO_ONE, ONE_TO_MANY, MANY_TO_MANY
  • Response Example




    "computed_columns": [{
    "tableIdentity": "SSB.P_LINEORDER",
    "tableAlias": "P_LINEORDER",
    "columnName": "CASTCOL",
    "expression": "CAST(P_LINEORDER.LO_PARTKEY as bigint)",
    "innerExpression": "CAST(`P_LINEORDER`.`LO_PARTKEY` as bigint)",
    "datatype": "BIGINT",
    "comment": null,
    "rec_uuid": null
    "fact_table": "SSB.P_LINEORDER",
    "join_tables": [{
    "table": "SSB.CUSTOMER",
    "kind": "LOOKUP",
    "alias": "CUSTOMER",
    "join": {
    "type": "INNER",
    "primary_key": [
    "foreign_key": [
    "non_equi_join_condition": null,
    "primary_table": null,
    "foreign_table": null
    "flattenable": "flatten",
    "join_relation_type": "MANY_TO_ONE"

Define Partition Column

Call this API to set partition columns for certain model of certain project. To enable incremental building for a model, you should first define a partition column for this model. After this operation, Kylin will complete incremental building.

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/partition

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name.
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string,project name.

    • partition_desc - optional, partition colunm information

      • partition_date_column - optional string, partition colunm
      • partition_date_format - optional string,partition format
    • multi_partition_desc - optional, multi-level partitioning model sub-partition colunm information

      • columns - array[string], multi-level partitioning model sub-partition colunm
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X PUT \
    http://host:port/kylin/api/models/multi_partition_model/partition \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "project": "multi_partition",
    "partition_desc": {
    "partition_date_column": "KYLIN_SALES.PART_DT",
    "partition_date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd"
    "multi_partition_desc": {
    "columns": [
  • Response Example


Get index list

Get indexes of given model.

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/indexes

  • URL Parameters

    • project - required string, project name
    • model_name - required string,model alias
    • status - optional string, index status,support NO_BUILD, BUILDING, LOCKED, ONLINE, empty by default
    • page_offset - optional int, offset of returned result, 0 by default.
    • page_size - optional int, quantity of returned result per page, 10 by default.
    • sources - optional string, type of index,support RECOMMENDED_AGG_INDEX, RECOMMENDED_TABLE_INDEX, CUSTOM_AGG_INDEX, CUSTOM_TABLE_INDEX, empty by default
    • sort_by - optional string, sort by field,support last_modified, usage, data_size, last_modified by default
    • reverse - optional boolean, whether sort reverse, true by default
    • batch_index_ids - optional array[long],specify indexId, empty by default
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X GET 'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/m1/indexes?project=ssb&batch_index_ids=1,10001,20001' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Details

    • absent_batch_index_ids, not found indexId
    • indexes, index list
      • related_tables, index related table
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": {
    "project": "ssb",
    "uuid": "383cd655-89f4-4986-85cf-1d299e287e84",
    "model_name": "m1",
    "total_size": 2,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "owner": "ADMIN",
    "absent_batch_index_ids": [20001],
    "indexes": [
    "id": 1,
    "status": "NO_BUILD",
    "source": "CUSTOM_AGG_INDEX",
    "col_order": [
    "value": "column",
    "cardinality": null
    "value": "column",
    "cardinality": null
    "key": "COUNT_ALL",
    "value": "measure",
    "cardinality": null
    "shard_by_columns": [],
    "sort_by_columns": [],
    "data_size": 0,
    "usage": 0,
    "last_modified": 1610462519405,
    "related_tables": ["SSB.LINEORDER"],
    "storage_type": 20
    "id": 10001,
    "status": "NO_BUILD",
    "source": "CUSTOM_AGG_INDEX",
    "col_order": [
    "value": "column",
    "cardinality": null
    "key": "COUNT_ALL",
    "value": "measure",
    "cardinality": null
    "shard_by_columns": [],
    "sort_by_columns": [],
    "data_size": 0,
    "usage": 0,
    "last_modified": 1610462519405,
    "related_tables": ["SSB.LINEORDER"],
    "storage_type": 20
    "msg": ""

Create a Model by SQL

  • POST http://host:port/kylin/api/models/model_suggestion

  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name.
    • sqls - required array, queries to create models
    • with_segment - optional, bool, create an empty segment, default is true
    • with_model_online - optional, bool, model online or not, default is false
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X POST \
    'http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/models/model_suggestion' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
    -d '{"project":"ssb", "sqls":["select count(*) from ssb.P_LINEORDER", "SELECT 1"]}'
  • Response Details

    • models, model details
      • uuid, model UUID
      • alias, model name
      • version, model version
      • rec_items, new model information. Please note that there will be some model detail info such as dimensions or measure shown as a recommendation, but it will not truly generate such a recommendation.
        • sqls, sqls used by one recommendation item
        • index_id, reused index id, if the value is -1, a new model created
        • dimensions, all dimensions used, new used to indicate whether it is newly created or reused
        • measues, all measures used, new used to indicate whether it is newly created or reused
        • computed_columns, all computed_columns used, new used to indicate whether it is newly created or reused
    • error_sqls, failed SQLs
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": {
    "models": [
    "uuid": "364e4485-433c-4fe2-be57-02c59170b5d4",
    "alias": "AUTO_MODEL_P_LINEORDER_1",
    "version": "",
    "rec_items": [
    "sqls": [
    "select count(*) from ssb.P_LINEORDER"
    "index_id": -1,
    "dimensions": [],
    "measures": [
    "measure": {
    "name": "COUNT_ALL",
    "function": {
    "expression": "COUNT",
    "parameters": [
    "type": "constant",
    "value": "1"
    "returntype": "bigint"
    "id": 100000
    "new": true
    "computed_columns": []
    "error_sqls": [
    "SELECT 1"
    "msg": ""

Delete Model

  • DELETE http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}

  • Request Permission: MANAGEMENT permission and above

  • Introduced in: 5.0

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name
  • Request Parameters

    • project - required string, project name
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X DELETE \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}?project=test' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
  • Response Example


Export TDS File (BETA)

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/export

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, the model name
    • project - required string, the project name
    • export_as - required string, the format to export to
      • TABLEAU_ODBC_TDS export as Tableau TDS with Kylin ODBC datasource
      • TABLEAU_CONNECTOR_TDS export as Tableau TDS with Kylin Tableau Connector as the datasource
    • element - string optional the model elements to export
      • AGG_INDEX_COL (default) export only dimensions and meausres defined in Aggregate Groups
      • AGG_INDEX_AND_TABLE_INDEX_COL export only dimensions and meausres defined in Aggregate Groups or Table Indexes
      • ALL_COLS export all dimensions and measures defined in the model
    • server_host - string optional, the host name of the exported Kylin datasource, default to the current requesting host
    • server_port - string optional, the port of the export Kylin datasource, default to the current requesting port
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept:application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

curl -X GET \
'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/a3/export?project=test_project&export_as=TABLEAU_ODBC_TDS&element=AGG_INDEX_COL&server_host=host&server_port=7080' \
-H 'accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \

Model Rename

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/name

  • Introduced in: 5.0

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string,model name。
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: cn
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project_name - required string, project name.
    • new_model_name - required string, the new name of the model.
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X PUT \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/test_model/name' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: cn' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
    -d '{"project":"ssb", "new_model_name":"testNewName"}'
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": "",
    "msg": ""

Model Online/Offline

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/models/{model_name}/status

  • Request Permission: MANAGEMENT permission and above

  • Introduced in: 5.0

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, model name
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name
    • status - required string, update model status, including: ONLINE,OFFLINE
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X PUT \
    'http://host:port/kylin/api/models/model_test1/status' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: en' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
    -d '{"project": "pj01", "status": "OFFLINE"}'
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": "",
    "msg": ""
  • Failed Response Example

    "code": "999",
    "data": null,
    "msg": "KE-010001002(Empty Project Name):Can’t find project information. Please select a project.",
    "stacktrace": "KE-010001002(Empty Project Name) \norg.apache.kylin.common.exception.KylinException: KE-010001002(Empty Project Name):Can’t find project information. ...",
    "exception": "KE-010001002(Empty Project Name):Can’t find project information. Please select a project.",
    "url": "http://host:port/kylin/api/models"
  • Error Code (Specific error message please check real api return.)

    • KE-010001001: Project Not Exist
    • KE-010001002: Empty Project Name
    • KE-010000003: Invalid Parameter

Export TDS File based on user rights (BETA)

  • GET http://host:port/kylin/api/models/bi_export

  • URL Parameters

    • model_name - required string, the model name
    • project - required string, the project name
    • export_as - required string, the format to export to
      • TABLEAU_ODBC_TDS export as Tableau TDS with Kylin ODBC datasource
      • TABLEAU_CONNECTOR_TDS export as Tableau TDS with Kylin Tableau Connector as the datasource
    • element - string optional the model elements to export
      • AGG_INDEX_COL (default) export only dimensions and meausres defined in Aggregate Groups based on user rights
      • AGG_INDEX_AND_TABLE_INDEX_COL export only dimensions and meausres defined in Aggregate Groups or Table Indexes based on user rights
      • ALL_COLS export all dimensions and measures defined in the model based on user rights
      • CUSTOM_COLS export custom dimensions and measures defined in the model based on user rights, When using this method, the dimensions, measures parameter must be add
    • server_host - string optional, the host name of the exported Kylin datasource, default to the current requesting host
    • server_port - string optional, the port of the export Kylin datasource, default to the current requesting port
    • dimensions - List<String> optional, An exported dimension list in the format of ${table_alias}.${columnName1},${table_alias}.${columnName2} , Parameter takes effect of element=CUSTOM_COLS
    • measures - List<String> optional, An exported measures list in the format of ${measureName1},${measureName2, Parameter takes effect of element=CUSTOM_COLS
  • HTTP Header

    • Accept:application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • Curl Request Example

curl -X GET \
'http://{host}:{port}/kylin/api/models/bi_export?model_name={modelName}&project={project}&export_as=TABLEAU_ODBC_TDS&server_host=localhost&server_port=8080&dimensions=CUSTOMER.C_NAME,CUSTOMER.CC_6,CUSTOMER.CC_7,CUSTOMER.CC_9,LINEORDER_1.LO_CUSTKEY&measures=m_aa&element=CUSTOM_COLS' \
-H 'accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
-H 'authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
  • Failed Response Example(When all columns in the model have no permissions or table-joined columns have no permissions)
"code": "999",
"data": null,
"msg": "KE-010002022(The table not contains unauthenticated columns):Please add permissions to columns in the table!",
"stacktrace": "KE-010002022(The table not contains unauthenticated columns) \norg.apache.kylin.common.exception.KylinException: KE-010002022(The table not contains unauthenticated columns):Please add permissions to columns in the table!8)...。",
"exception": "KE-010002022(The table not contains unauthenticated columns):Please add permissions to columns in the table!",
"url": "http://host:port/kylin/api/models/bi_export"
  • Error Code (Specific error message please check real api return.)
    • KE-010002022: Please add permissions to columns in the table
  • Successful Code (exported as TDS file contents)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<datasource formatted-name="federated.0e6gjbn18cj0a41an9pi309itkyi" inline="true" source-platform="win" version="10.0">
<connection class="federated">
<named-connection caption="localhost" name="genericodbc.11du78x0szfyb51b703es1ocv315">
<connection class="genericodbc" dbname="" odbc-connect-string-extras="PROJECT=KE_36166;CUBE=test_model_3_cc" odbc-dbms-name="MySQL" odbc-driver="KylinODBCDriver" odbc-dsn="" odbc-suppress-connection-pooling="" odbc-use-connection-pooling="" port="8080" schema="DEFAULT" server="localhost" username="ADMIN"/>
<relation join="inner" type="join">
<clause type="join">
<expression op="=">
<expression op="[CUSTOMER].[C_CUSTKEY]"/>
<expression op="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_CUSTKEY]"/></expression>
<relation join="inner" type="join">
<clause type="join">
<expression op="=">
<expression op="[CUSTOMER].[C_CUSTKEY]"/>
<expression op="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_CUSTKEY]"/></expression>
<relation type="table" connection="genericodbc.11du78x0szfyb51b703es1ocv315" name="CUSTOMER" table="[SSB].[CUSTOMER]"/>
<relation type="table" connection="genericodbc.11du78x0szfyb51b703es1ocv315" name="LINEORDER_1" table="[SSB].[LINEORDER]"/></relation>
<relation type="table" connection="genericodbc.11du78x0szfyb51b703es1ocv315" name="CUSTOMER_1" table="[SSB1].[CUSTOMER]"/></relation>
<map key="[C_ADDRESS (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_ADDRESS]"/>
<map key="[C_NAME (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_NAME]"/>
<map key="[C_REGION (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_REGION]"/>
<map key="[C_NATION (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_NATION]"/>
<map key="[C_CUSTKEY (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_CUSTKEY]"/>
<map key="[LO_PARTKEY]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_PARTKEY]"/>
<map key="[C_CITY (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_CITY]"/>
<map key="[LO_LINENUMBER]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_LINENUMBER]"/>
<map key="[C_REGION (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_REGION]"/>
<map key="[LO_ORDERKEY]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_ORDERKEY]"/>
<map key="[C_PHONE (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_PHONE]"/>
<map key="[CC_10]" value="[CUSTOMER].[CC_10]"/>
<map key="[C_ADDRESS (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_ADDRESS]"/>
<map key="[CC_4]" value="[CUSTOMER].[CC_4]"/>
<map key="[LO_SHIPMODE]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_SHIPMODE]"/>
<map key="[C_CITY (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_CITY]"/>
<map key="[CC_6]" value="[CUSTOMER].[CC_6]"/>
<map key="[C_NATION (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_NATION]"/>
<map key="[CC_5]" value="[CUSTOMER].[CC_5]"/>
<map key="[C_PHONE (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_PHONE]"/>
<map key="[CC_7]" value="[CUSTOMER].[CC_7]"/>
<map key="[CC_9]" value="[CUSTOMER].[CC_9]"/>
<map key="[LO_QUANTITY]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_QUANTITY]"/>
<map key="[LO_SUPPLYCOST]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_SUPPLYCOST]"/>
<map key="[C_CUSTKEY (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_CUSTKEY]"/>
<map key="[LO_CUSTKEY]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_CUSTKEY]"/>
<map key="[C_NAME (CUSTOMER)]" value="[CUSTOMER].[C_NAME]"/>
<map key="[LO_COMMITDATE]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_COMMITDATE]"/>
<map key="[LO_REVENUE]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_REVENUE]"/>
<map key="[LO_DISCOUNT]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_DISCOUNT]"/>
<map key="[LO_SUPPKEY]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_SUPPKEY]"/>
<map key="[LO_TAX]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_TAX]"/>
<map key="[LO_ORDERDATE]" value="[LINEORDER_1].[LO_ORDERDATE]"/>
<map key="[C_MKTSEGMENT (CUSTOMER_1)]" value="[CUSTOMER_1].[C_MKTSEGMENT]"/>
<aliases enabled="yes"/>
<column caption="LO_ORDERPRIOTITY" datatype="string" name="[LO_ORDERPRIOTITY]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_ADDRESS_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_ADDRESS (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_NAME_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_NAME (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_REGION_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_REGION (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_NATION" datatype="string" name="[C_NATION (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_CUSTKEY" datatype="integer" name="[C_CUSTKEY (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_MKTSEGMENT" datatype="string" name="[C_MKTSEGMENT (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_PARTKEY" datatype="integer" name="[LO_PARTKEY]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_CITY" datatype="string" name="[C_CITY (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_LINENUMBER" datatype="integer" name="[LO_LINENUMBER]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_REGION" datatype="string" name="[C_REGION (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_ORDERKEY" datatype="integer" name="[LO_ORDERKEY]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_PHONE" datatype="string" name="[C_PHONE (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="CC_10" datatype="integer" name="[CC_10]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_ADDRESS" datatype="string" name="[C_ADDRESS (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="CC_4" datatype="integer" name="[CC_4]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_SHIPMODE" datatype="string" name="[LO_SHIPMODE]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_CITY_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_CITY (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="CC_6" datatype="integer" name="[CC_6]" role="dimension" type="ordinal"/>
<column caption="C_NATION_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_NATION (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="CC_5" datatype="integer" name="[CC_5]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_PHONE_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_PHONE (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="CC_7" datatype="integer" name="[CC_7]" role="dimension" type="ordinal"/>
<column caption="CC_9" datatype="integer" name="[CC_9]" role="dimension" type="ordinal"/>
<column caption="LO_QUANTITY" datatype="integer" name="[LO_QUANTITY]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_SUPPLYCOST" datatype="integer" name="[LO_SUPPLYCOST]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_CUSTKEY_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="integer" name="[C_CUSTKEY (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_CUSTKEY" datatype="integer" name="[LO_CUSTKEY]" role="dimension" type="ordinal"/>
<column caption="LO_ORDTOTALPRICE" datatype="integer" name="[LO_ORDTOTALPRICE]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_NAME_1" datatype="string" name="[C_NAME (CUSTOMER)]" role="dimension" type="nominal"/>
<column caption="LO_COMMITDATE" datatype="date" name="[LO_COMMITDATE]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_EXTENDEDPRICE" datatype="integer" name="[LO_EXTENDEDPRICE]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_REVENUE" datatype="integer" name="[LO_REVENUE]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_DISCOUNT" datatype="integer" name="[LO_DISCOUNT]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_SHIPPRIOTITY" datatype="integer" name="[LO_SHIPPRIOTITY]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_SUPPKEY" datatype="integer" name="[LO_SUPPKEY]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_TAX" datatype="integer" name="[LO_TAX]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="LO_ORDERDATE" datatype="date" name="[LO_ORDERDATE]" role="dimension" type="ordinal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="C_MKTSEGMENT_CUSTOMER_1" datatype="string" name="[C_MKTSEGMENT (CUSTOMER_1)]" role="dimension" type="nominal" hidden="true"/>
<column caption="COUNT_ALL" datatype="integer" name="[COUNT_ALL]" role="measure" type="quantitative" hidden="true">
<calculation class="tableau" formula="COUNT(1)"/>
<column caption="" datatype="integer" name="[m_aa]" role="measure" type="quantitative">
<calculation class="tableau" formula="SUM([CC_4])"/>
<column caption="" datatype="integer" name="[m_bb]" role="measure" type="quantitative" hidden="true">
<calculation class="tableau" formula="SUM([CC_5])"/>
<column caption="" datatype="integer" name="[m_cc]" role="measure" type="quantitative" hidden="true">
<calculation class="tableau" formula="SUM([C_CUSTKEY (CUSTOMER)])"/>
<column caption="" datatype="integer" name="[m_dd]" role="measure" type="quantitative" hidden="true">
<calculation class="tableau" formula="SUM([CC_10])"/>
<drill-path name="[C_ADDRESS (CUSTOMER)], [C_NATION (CUSTOMER)], [CC_7]">
<field>[C_ADDRESS (CUSTOMER)]</field>
<field>[C_NATION (CUSTOMER)]</field>
<semantic-value key="[Country].[Name]" value="&quot;美国&quot;"/>

Add aggregate groups

  • PUT http://host:port/kylin/api/index_plans/agg_groups

  • Introduced in: 5.0

  • HTTP Header

    • Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json
    • Accept-Language: en
    • Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  • HTTP Body: JSON Object

    • project - required string, project name
    • model - required string, model name
    • aggregation_groups - required JSON Object[], agg group json array, can add multiple agg groups
      • dimensions - required array[string], dimension array, must be in database.table format, and the added dimension must have been added as a dimension in the model
      • measures - optional array[string], measure array, the added measure name is the measure name defined in the model, case-sensitive
      • mandatory_dims - optional array[string], mandatory dimension array, the dimensions that must be included in the index generated by the aggregate group
      • hierarchy_dims - optional array[array[string]], hierarchy dimension array, the dimensions that can be optimized according to the hierarchical relationship in the index generated by the aggregate group, a set of hierarchy dimensions in an array
      • joint_dims - optional array[array[string]], joint dimension array, the dimensions that must also be included in the index generated by the aggregate group, a set of joint dimensions in an array

      NOTICEmandatory_dimshierarchy_dimsjoint_dims must be in dimensions, and any dimension can only be set once in mandatory dimension, hierarchy dimension or joint dimension.

      • dim_cap - optional int, Maximum number of dimension combinations(MDC) for a single aggregate group, positive integer
    • global_dim_cap - optional int, global MDC in this request, priority global_dim_cap < dim_cap
    • restore_deleted_index - optional boolean, When the indexes generated by the aggregate group have been deleted, whether to generate these indexes again when adding the aggregate group, the default is false, which means not to add.
  • Curl Request Example

    curl -X PUT \
    'http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/index_plans/agg_groups' \
    -H 'Accept: application/vnd.apache.kylin-v4-public+json' \
    -H 'Accept-Language: cn' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8'
    -d '{"project":"ssb",
    "dim_cap": 4
  • Response Details

    • code - string, response code, succeed: 000, failed: 999
    • removed_layouts_size - The number of indexes to delete
    • added_layouts_size - The number of indexes to add
    • recovered_layouts_size - The number of deleted indexes in the generated indexes, when restore_deleted_index = true, these indexes will be added
  • Response Example

    "code": "000",
    "data": {
    "removed_layouts_size": 0,
    "added_layouts_size": 3,
    "recovered_layouts_size": 0
    "msg": ""