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Version: 3.1.3

Kylin Python Client

Apache Kylin Python Client Library is a python-based Apache Kylin client. There are two components in Apache Kylin Python Client Library:

  • Apache Kylin command line tools
  • Apache Kylin dialect for SQLAlchemy

You can get more detail from this Github Repository.


Make sure Python version is 2.7+ or 3.4+. The easiest way to install Apache Kylin Python Client Library is to use "pip":

pip install --upgrade kylinpy

Kylinpy CLI

After installing Apache Kylin Python Client Library you may run kylinpy in terminal.

$ kylinpy
Usage: kylinpy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

-h, --host TEXT Kylin host name [required]
-P, --port INTEGER Kylin port, default: 7070
-u, --username TEXT Kylin username [required]
-p, --password TEXT Kylin password [required]
--project TEXT Kylin project [required]
--prefix TEXT Kylin RESTful prefix of url, default: "/kylin/api"
--debug / --no-debug show debug information
--help Show this message and exit.

auth get user auth info
cube_columns list cube columns
cube_desc show cube description
cube_names list cube names
model_desc show model description
projects list all projects
query sql query
table_columns list table columns
table_names list all table names

Examples for Kylinpy CLI

  1. To get all user info from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug auth
  1. To get all cube columns from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug cube_columns --name kylin_sales_cube
  1. To get cube description of selected cube from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug cube_desc --name kylin_sales_cube
  1. To get all cube names from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug cube_names
  1. To get cube SQL of selected cube from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug cube_sql --name kylin_sales_cube
  1. To list all projects from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug projects
  1. To list all tables column of selected cube from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug table_columns --name KYLIN_SALES
  1. To get all table names from kylin
kylinpy -h hostname -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --api1 table_names
  1. To get the model description of the selected model from Apache Kylin with debug mode
kylinpy -h hostname -P 7070 -u ADMIN -p KYLIN --project learn_kylin --debug model_desc --name kylin_sales_model

Kylin dialect for SQLAlchemy

Any application that uses SQLAlchemy can now query Apache Kylin with this Apache Kylin dialect installed. It is part of the Apache Kylin Python Client Library, so if you already installed this library in the previous step, you are ready to use. You may use below template to build DSN to connect Apache Kylin.


Examples for SQLAlchemy

Test connection with Apache Kylin

$ python
>>> import sqlalchemy as sa
>>> kylin_engine = sa.create_engine('kylin://username:password@hostname:7070/learn_kylin?version=v1')
>>> results = kylin_engine.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM KYLIN_SALES')
>>> [e for e in results]
>>> kylin_engine.table_names()

Use Python for Data Science with Apache Kylin

Please refer to the blog Use Python for Data Science with Apache Kylin.