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Version: 5.0.0

Job Status Alert

Kylin provides Job Status Alert feature that sends emails to system administrator if any job loads empty data or failed. It is very convenient for follow-ups like troubleshooting or incremental building.

Job status alert by email can be enabled by the following steps,

Step one: You need to additionally set following properties in the configuration file $KYLIN_HOME/conf/,

kylin.job.notification-enabled=true|false  # set to true to enable the feature
kylin.job.notification-mail-host=your-smtp-server # address of SMTP server
kylin.job.notification-mail-port=your-smtp-port # port of SMTP server
kylin.job.notification-mail-username=your-smtp-account # SMTP account username
kylin.job.notification-mail-password=your-smtp-pwd # SMTP account password
kylin.job.notification-mail-sender=your-sender-address # sender address

Note: If you need to encrypt kylin.job.notification-mail-password, you can do it like this:

i. run following commands in ${KYLIN_HOME}, it will print encrypted password

./bin/ org.apache.kylin.tool.general.CryptTool -e AES -s <password>

ii. config kylin.job.notification-mail-password like this


Please Restart Kylin to make configurations take effect.

Step two: Set in the project settings page,

  • Modelers and Analysts need to fill in the Advanced Settings --> Email Notification with your email addresses.

job notification