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Version: 2.4.0

Quick Start with Sample Cube

Kylin provides a script for you to create a sample Cube; the script will also create five sample hive tables:

  1. Run ${KYLIN_HOME}/bin/ ; Restart kylin server to flush the caches;

  2. Logon Kylin web with default user ADMIN/KYLIN, select project "learn_kylin" in the project dropdown list (left upper corner);

  3. Select the sample cube "kylin_sales_cube", click "Actions" -> "Build", pick up a date later than 2014-01-01 (to cover all 10000 sample records);

  4. Check the build progress in "Monitor" tab, until 100%;

  5. Execute SQLs in the "Insight" tab, for example: select part_dt, sum(price) as total_selled, count(distinct seller_id) as sellers from kylin_sales group by part_dt order by part_dt

  6. You can verify the query result and compare the response time with hive;

Quick Start with Streaming Sample Cube

Kylin provides a script for streaming sample cube also. This script will create Kafka topic and send the random messages constantly to the generated topic.

  1. Export KAFKA_HOME first, and start Kylin.
  2. Run ${KYLIN_HOME}/bin/, it will generate Table DEFAULT.KYLIN_STREAMING_TABLE, Model kylin_streaming_model, Cube kylin_streaming_cube in learn_kylin project.
  3. Run ${KYLIN_HOME}/bin/, it will create Kafka Topic kylin_streaming_topic into the localhost:9092 broker. It also send the random 100 messages into kylin_streaming_topic per second.
  4. Follow the the standard cube build process, and trigger the Cube kylin_streaming_cube build.
  5. Check the build process in "Monitor" tab, until at least one job is 100%.
  6. Execute SQLs in the "Insight" tab, for example: select count(*), HOUR_START from kylin_streaming_table group by HOUR_START
  7. Verify the query result.

What's next

You can create another cube with the sample tables, by following the tutorials.