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In this section, we will show you how to uninstall Kylin.

The steps to uninstall Kylin and remove all relevant data are as follows:

  1. Run the following command on all Kylin nodes to stop the Kylin instance:

    $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ stop
  2. Data backup (optional):

    • Backup metadata before full unloading so that it can be restored when needed.

      $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ backup

      Notice: We recommend that you copy metadata to more reliable storage devices later.

  3. Please check the configuration file $KYLIN_HOME/conf/ to determine the name of the working directory. Suppose your item is:


    Please run the following command to delete the working directory:

    hdfs dfs -rm -r /kylin
  4. Please check the configuration file $KYLIN_HOME/conf/ to confirm the name of the metadata table. Suppose your item is:


    Please run following commands to delete metadata tables:

    • If you are using PostgreSQL as your metastore:

      • Set environment variable of PostgreSQL user password. Say your PostgreSQL user password is kylin:

        export PGPASSWORD=kylin
      • Delete metadata tables:

        /usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -h {hostname} -p {port} -U {user} -d {database} -c "drop table if exists {metadataUrl}"

        Below is a description of the fields:

        • hostname: PostgreSQL host address;
        • port: PostgreSQL server port;
        • user: PostgreSQL user password;
        • database: PostgreSQL database name;
        • metadataUrl: PostgreSQL metadata table name, it is kylin_metadata in this example.

      You can also log in to PostgreSQL and query drop table if exists {metadataUrl} to delete your metadata table.

    • If you are using MySQL as your metastore, run the following command to delete your metadata tables:

      mysql -h{hostname} -u {root} -p{password} -D {database} -e "drop table if exists {metadataUrl}"

      Below is a description of the fields:

      • hostname: MySQL host address;
      • user: MySQL user name;
      • password: MySQL user password, please note that there is no space between -p and password;
      • database: MySQL metadata database name;
      • metadataUrl: MySQL metadata table name, it is kylin_metadata in this example.

      You can also log in to MySQL and query drop table if exists {metadataUrl} to delete your metadata table.

  5. Run the following commands on all Kylin nodes to delete the Kylin installation directory:

    rm -rf $KYLIN_HOME

At this point, the Kylin uninstall is complete.