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Version: 5.0.0

Diagnostic Package

Kylin users may face with many problems during usage, such as failure in creating a model or query errors. Kylin provides a cli tool to pack related information into a zip package to help system administrator to better analyze the root cause of these problems. Diagnosis function including System Diagnosis、Job Diagnosis and Query Diagnosis.

Generate Diagnostic Package using bash script

  • Generate system diagnostic package Execute $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ [-startTime <START_TIMESTAMP> -endTime <END_TIMESTAMP>] [-destDir <DESTINATION_DIR>] to generate the system diagnostic package. The default time range is last 1 day, START_TIMESTAMP and END_TIMESTAMP is in unix timestamp. You may get the current unix timestamp by run echo $((`date +%s`*1000)) in Linux.

  • Generate job diagnostic package Execute $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ -job <jobid> [-destDir <DESTINATION_DIR>] to generate the job diagnostic package with replacing <jobid> with the job ID number.

  • Generate query diagnostic package Execute $KYLIN_HOME/bin/ -project <project> -query <queryid> [-destDir <DESTINATION_DIR>] to generate the query diagnostic package with replacing <queryid> with the actual query ID number and <project> with the name of the project in which the actual query is made.

  • Diagnostic package storage location Diagnostic packages generated by scripts are stored under $KYLIN_HOME/diag_dump/ by default, you can specify the location by configuring -destDir parameter.

    Note: In order to avoid the diagnostic package occupying a lot of storage, please clean up the $KYLIN_HOME/diag_dump/ directory in time.

  • Skip metadata files If you want to exclude metadata files, please specify -includeMeta false.

  • Skip audit log files If you want to exclude audit log files, please specify -includeAuditLog false or add configuration kylin.diag.include-auditlog=false in the

Diagnostic Package Content

Full Diagnostic Package Content

  • /conf: configuration information under the $KYLIN_HOME/conf directory.
  • /hadoop_conf: configuration information under the $KYLIN_HOME/hadoop_conf directory.
  • /metadata: metadata files.
  • /logs: all the logs in the specified time range, 1 day is by default.
  • /spark_logs: all Spark executor logs and Spark executor GC logs of query in the specified time range. The Spark executor logs of job are not included. If you need related logs, please generate the corresponding job diagnostic package.
  • /sparder_history:all Sparder logs of query in the specified time range.
  • /system_metrics: all system metrics in the specified time range.
  • /audit_log: all audit logs of metdata in the specified time range.
  • /job_tmp: the optimization suggestions log.
  • /client: operating system resources occupied information, Hadoop version and Kerberos information.
  • /bin: program execute and manager binary files.
  • /monitor_metrics: System monitoring statistics.
  • /write_hadoop_conf$KYLIN_HOME/write_hadoop_conf, Hadoop configuration of the build cluster. This directory will not be available when Read/Write separation deployment is not configured.
  • file catalog_info: directory structure of install package.
  • file commit_SHA1: git-commit version.
  • file hadoop_env: hadoop environment information.
  • file info: license,package and hostname.
  • file kylin_env: Kylin version, operating system information, Java related information, git-commit information.
  • file time_used_info: Time statistics of each file generated in the diagnostic package.

Job Diagnostic Package Content

  • /conf: configuration information under the $KYLIN_HOME/conf directory.
  • /hadoop_conf: configuration information under the $KYLIN_HOME/hadoop_conf directory.
  • /job_history:Job execution history information mainly includes the execution information of yarn application.
  • /metadata: metadata files.
  • /logs: the logs generated during the execution of the job.
  • /spark_logs: all spark executor logs generated during job execution.
  • /system_metrics: the system metrics generated during the execution.
  • /audit_log: the audit logs generated during the execution.
  • /job_tmp: the temporary files, logs and optimization suggestions log of job.
  • /yarn_application_log: specifies the logs of yarn application of job.
  • /client: operating system resources occupied information, Hadoop version and Kerberos information.
  • /bin: program execute and manager binary files.
  • /monitor_metrics: System monitoring statistics.
  • /write_hadoop_conf$KYLIN_HOME/write_hadoop_conf, Hadoop configuration of the build cluster. This directory will not be available when Read/Write separation deployment is not configured.
  • file catalog_info: directory structure of install package.
  • file commit_SHA1: git-commit version.
  • file hadoop_env: hadoop environment information.
  • file info: license, package and hostname.
  • file kylin_env:Kylin version, operating system information, Java related information, git-commit information.
  • file time_used_info: Time statistics of each file generated in the diagnostic package.

Query Diagnostic Package Content

  • /conf: configuration information under the $KYLIN_HOME/conf directory.
  • /hadoop_conf: configuration information under the $KYLIN_HOME/hadoop_conf directory.
  • /metadata:specify the metadata for all models under the project.
  • /logs$KYLIN_HOME/logs/kylin.log,specify the log of the query.
  • /spark_logs:all Spark executor logs and Spark executor GC logs within the time range are included in the query diagnostic package.
  • /sparder_history:all Sparder logs within the time range are included in the query diagnostic package.
  • /client:operating system resource usage, Version information for Hadoop, and Kerberos information.
  • file catalog_info: directory structure of install package.
  • file commit_SHA1: git-commit version.
  • file hadoop_env: hadoop environment information.
  • file info: license, package and hostname.
  • file kylin_env:Kylin version, operating system information, Java related information, git-commit information.
  • file time_used_info: Time statistics of each file generated in the diagnostic package.

Multi-Node Diagnosis

At present, there is no API to know which nodes are in the cluster. You need to record the deployed nodes by yourself, and then go to each node to generate diagnostic package separately. The method of generating the diagnostic package is the same as the above.

Diagnostic package desensitization

The diagnostic package desensitization function can hide sensitive information in the diagnostic package, such as user names, passwords, etc. While helping users solve problems, it can meet users' data security requirements.

You can enable the diagnostic package desensitization function through the following configuration item:

## The desensitization level of the diagnostic package. RAW stands for no desensitization, OBF stands for desensitization

After the configuration is enabled, the diagnostic package generated through the Web UI or through the terminal CLI tool will be desensitized. The system will desensitize all files starting with in the KYLIN_HONE/conf directory. All configuration items including password, user, zookeeper.zk-auth, The configuration items of source.jdbc.pass will be desensitized. The desensitization method is to replace the value of the configuration item with <hidden>.

Common Questions

Q: Why is the system diagnostic package log content incomplete?

A: The extraction of the log is a text-based match (based on the minute-level time string). If the content is found to be incomplete, it may be that the specified timestamp is not converted to the corresponding one when converted to a time string. You can try to modify the time range and re-generate the diagnostic package.

Q: Why is the system_metrics directory missing content in diagnostic package?

A: system_metrics contains system metrics, which are stored in InfluxDB. You need to specify an RPC port when using InfluxDB to back up the data, so please verify whether the configuration item kylin.metrics.influx-rpc-service-bind-address in the file $KYLIN_HOME/conf/ is correct.

Q: How to deal with Out of Memory (OOM) problem that happens during diagnostic package generating?

A: Please check the value of JAVA_VM_XMX in conf/, which is recommended to be adjusted to more than 4 times the size of metadata. For example, if the size of metadata is 1G, please set the value to 4G or above.

**Q: Why is the file of the exported model optimization suggestion 0KB? **

A: If the model has no optimization suggestions, then the optimization suggestions generated by the corresponding model will be 0KB.