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Version: 5.0.0

Model Operation

Model Operation

You are only allowed to operate on models. You can hover on the right most column Actions of the model list to get the action names. Specific actions are listed below:

  • Edit: Click on the pencil shape button, enter into the model editing page.

  • Build Index: Loads data for models. You can choose the data range in the pop-up window.

  • Model Partition: Set partition column for the model.

  • Export Model: Export single model metadata.

  • Export TDS: Export TDS file of the model .

  • Rename: Renames the model.

  • Clone: Clones an identical model. You can give a new name for this new model. The new model has the same fact table, dimension tables, join relationship, dimensions, measures, computed columns, date partition column, aggregate indexes, table indexes, etc. as the origin model. But the new model does not have data, you need to load data for this cloned model manually.

  • Change Owner:Change model owner. Only system administrators and project administrators have the authority to modify model owner.

  • Delete: Deletes the model, remove the loaded data at the same time.

  • Purge: Purges all loaded data in this model.

  • Offline: Makes a Online / Warning model offline. An offline model cannot answer any queries.

  • Online: Makes a Offline model online. An online model should be able to answer related queries.

  1. Locked Indexes will not be included in exported and cloned model
  2. If the model is in BROKEN status, only the delete operation is allowed.