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Version: 3.1.3


Here are some tips for you when encountering problems with Kylin:  1. Use search engines (Google / Baidu), Kylin's Mailing List Archives, the Kylin Project on the Apache JIRA to seek a solution.  2. Browse Kylin's official website, especially the Docs page and the FAQ page.  3. Send an email to Apache Kylin dev or user mailing list:,; before sending, please make sure you have subscribed the mailing list by dropping an email to or Your email is supposed to include: the version numbers of Kylin and other components you are using in your env, the log of the error message, the SQL (if you got the query error). There is an article about how to ask a question in a smart way.

Is Kylin a generic SQL engine for big data?

  • No, Kylin is an OLAP engine with SQL interface. The SQL queries should be matched with the pre-defined OLAP model.

What's a typical scenario to use Apache Kylin?

  • Kylin can be the best option if you have a huge table (e.g., >100 million rows), join with lookup tables, while queries need to be finished in the second level (dashboards, interactive reports, business intelligence, etc), and the concurrent users can be dozens or hundreds.

How large a data scale can Kylin support? How about the performance?

  • Kylin can support second level query performance at TB to PB level dataset. This has been verified by users like eBay, Meituan, Toutiao. Take Meituan's case as an example (till 2018-08), 973 cubes, 3.8 million queries per day, raw data 8.9 trillion, total cube size 971 TB (original data is bigger), 50% of the queries finished in < 0.5 seconds, 90% queries < 1.2 seconds.

Who are using Apache Kylin?

What's the expansion rate of Cube (compared with raw data)?

  • It depends on a couple of factors, for example, dimension/measure number, dimension cardinality, cuboid number, compression algorithm, etc. You can optimize the cube expansion in many ways to control the size.

How to compare Kylin with other SQL engines like Hive, Presto, Spark SQL, Impala?

  • They answer a query in different ways. Kylin is not a replacement for them, but a supplement (query accelerator). Many users run Kylin together with other SQL engines. For the high frequent query patterns, building Cubes can greatly improve the performance and also offload cluster workloads. For less queried patterns or ad-hoc queries, other MPP engines are more flexible.

How to compare Kylin with Druid?

  • Druid is more suitable for real-time analysis. Kylin is more focus on OLAP case. Druid has a good integration with Kafka as real-time streaming; Kylin fetches data from Hive or Kafka in batches. The real-time capability of Kylin is still under development.

  • Many internet service providers host both Druid and Kylin, serving different purposes (real-time and historical).

  • Some other Kylin's highlights: supports star & snowflake schema; ANSI-SQL support, JDBC/ODBC for BI integrations. Kylin also has a Web GUI with LDAP/SSO user authentication.

  • For more information, please do a search or check this mail thread.

How to quick start with Kylin?

  • To get a quick start, you can run Kylin in a Hadoop sandbox VM or in the cloud, for example, start a small AWS EMR or Azure HDInsight cluster and then install Kylin in one of the node.

How many nodes of the Hadoop are needed to run Kylin?

  • Kylin can run on a Hadoop cluster from only a couple nodes to thousands of nodes, depends on how much data you have. The architecture is horizontally scalable.

  • Because most of the computation is happening in Hadoop (MapReduce/Spark/HBase), usually you just need to install Kylin in a couple of nodes.

How many dimensions can be in a cube?

  • The max physical dimension number (exclude derived columns in lookup tables) in a cube is 63; If you can normalize some dimensions to lookup tables, with derived dimensions, you can create a cube with more than 100 dimensions.

  • But a cube with > 30 physical dimensions is not recommended; You even couldn't save that in Kylin if you don't optimize the aggregation groups. Please search "curse of dimensionality".

Why do I got an error when running a "select * " query?

  • The cube has only the aggregated data, so all your queries should be aggregated queries ("GROUP BY"). You can use a SQL with all dimensions be grouped to get them as close as the detailed result, but that is not the raw data.

  • In order to be connected from some BI tools, Kylin tries to answer "select *" query but please aware the result might not be expected. Please make sure each query to Kylin is aggregated.

How can I query raw data from a cube?

  • Cube is not the right option for raw data.

But if you do want, there are some workarounds. 1) Add the primary key as a dimension, then the "group by pk" will return the raw data; 2) Configure Kylin to push down the query to another SQL engine like Hive, but the performance has no assurance.

What is the UHC dimension?

  • UHC means Ultra High Cardinality. Cardinality means the number of distinct values of a dimension. Usually, a dimension's cardinality is from tens to millions. If above a million, we call it a UHC dimension, for example, user id, cell number, etc.

  • Kylin supports UHC dimension, but you need to pay attention to UHC dimensions, especially the encodings and the cuboid combinations. It may cause your Cube to be very large and query to be slow.

Can I specify a cube to answer my SQL statements?

Is there a REST API to create the project/model/cube?

  • Yes, but they are private APIs, incline to change over versions (without notification). By design, Kylin expects the user to create a new project/model/cube in Kylin's web GUI.

How to define a snowflake model(with two fact tables)?

  • In the snowflake model, there is only one fact table also. But you could define lookup table joins with another lookup table.
  • If the query pattern between your two "fact" tables is fixed, just like factA left join with factB. You could define factB as a lookup table and skip the snapshot for this huge lookup table.

Where does the cube locate, can I directly read cube from HBase without going through Kylin API?

  • Cube is stored in HBase. Each cube segment is an HBase table. The dimension values will be composed as the row key. The measures will be serialized in columns. To improve the storage efficiency, both dimension and measure values will be encoded to bytes. Kylin will decode the bytes to origin values after fetching from HBase. Without Kylin's metadata, the HBase tables are not readable.

What's the best practice to design a cube?

How to encrypt cube data?

How to schedule the cube build at a fixed frequency, in an automatic way?

  • Kylin doesn't have a built-in scheduler for this. You can trigger that through the Rest API from external scheduler services, like Linux cron job, Apache Airflow, etc.

How to export/import cube/project across different Kylin environments?

How to view kylin cube's hbase table without encoding?

  • To view the origin data, please use SQL to query Kylin. Kylin will convert the SQL query to HBase access and then decode the data. You can use Rest API, JDBC, ODBC drivers to connect with Kylin.

Does Kylin support Hadoop 3 and HBase 2.0?

  • From v2.5.0, Kylin will provide a binary package for Hadoop 3 and HBase 2.

The Cube is ready, but why the table does not appear in the "Insight" tab?

  • Make sure the "kylin.server.cluster-servers" property in conf/ is configured with EVERY Kylin node, all job and query nodes. Kylin nodes notify each other to flush cache with this configuration. Also, please ensure that the network among them are healthy.

What should I do if I encounter a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" error?

  • Kylin doesn't ship those Hadoop jars, because they should already exist in the Hadoop node. So Kylin will try to find them and then add to Kylin's classpath. Due to Hadoop's complexity, there might be some case a jar wasn't found. In this case please look at the "bin/find-*" and "bin/", modify them to fit your environment.

How to query Kylin in Python?

How to add dimension/measure to a cube?

  • Once a cube is built, its structure cannot be modified. To add a dimension/measure, you need to clone a new cube, and then add to it.

When the new cube is built, please disable or drop the old one.

If you can accept the absence of new dimensions for historical data, you can build the new cube since the end time of the old cube. And then create a hybrid model over the old and new cube.

How to solve the data security problem of Tableau connection client?

  • Kylin's ACL control can solve this problem. Different analysts have the authority to work on different projects for Kylin. When you create a Kylin ODBC DSN, you can map different links to different analyst accounts.

The query result is not exactly matched with that in Hive, what's the possible reason?

  • Possible reasons: a) Source data changed in Hive after built into the cube; b) Cube's time range is not the same as in Hive; c) Another cube answered your query; d) The data model has inner joins, but the query doesn't join all tables; e) Cube has some approximate measures like HyberLogLog, TopN; f) In v2.3 and before, Kylin may have data loss when fetching from Hive, see KYLIN-3388.

What to do if the source data changed after being built into the cube?

  • You need to refresh the cube. If the cube is partitioned, you can refresh certain segments.

What is the possible reason for getting the error ‘bulk load aborted with some files not yet loaded’ in the ‘Load HFile to HBase Table’ step?

  • Kylin doesn't have permissions to execute HBase CompleteBulkLoad. Check whether the current user (that run Kylin service) has the permission to access HBase.

Why bin/ cannot create the /tmp/kylin folder on HDFS?

  • Run ./bin/ -v, check the error message, then check the environment according to the information reported.

In Chrome, web console shows net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED, what should I do?

  • Edit $KYLIN_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml, find the "compress=on", change it to off.

How to configure one cube to be built using a chosen YARN queue?

  • Set the YARN queue in Cube’s Configuration Overwrites page, then it will affect only one cube. Here are the three parameters:

How to add a new JDBC data source dialect?

  • It is easy to add a new type of JDBC data source. You can follow such steps:
  1. Add the dialect in source-hive/src/main/java/org/apache/kylin/source/jdbc/

  2. Implement a new IJdbcMetadata if database that you want to add's metadata fetching is different with others and then register it in JdbcMetadataFactory

  3. You may need to customize the SQL for creating/dropping tables in JdbcExplorer for database that you want to add.

How to ask a question?

  • Check Kylin documents first, and doing a Google search can also help. Sometimes the question has been answered, so you don't need ask again. If no matching, please send your question to Apache Kylin user mailing list:; You need to drop an email to to subscribe if you haven't done so. In the email content, please provide your Kylin and Hadoop version, specific error logs (as much as possible), and also the how to re-produce steps.

"bin/" can locate hive/hcat jars in local, but Kylin reports error like "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hive/hcatalog/mapreduce/HCatInputFormat" or "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/session/SessionState"

  • Kylin needs many dependent jars (hadoop/hive/hcat/hbase/kafka) on classpath to work, but Kylin doesn't ship them. It will seek these jars from your local machine by running commands like hbase classpath, hive -e set etc. The founded jars' path will be appended to the environment variable HBASE_CLASSPATH (Kylin uses hbase shell command to start up, which will read this). But in some Hadoop distribution (like AWS EMR 5.0), the hbase shell doesn't keep the origin HBASE_CLASSPATH value, that causes the "NoClassDefFoundError".

  • To fix this, find the hbase shell script (in hbase/bin folder), and search HBASE_CLASSPATH, check whether it overwrites the value like :

  • If true, change it to keep the origin value like:

Get "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Too high cardinality is not suitable for dictionary -- cardinality: 5220674" in "Build Dimension Dictionary" step

  • Kylin uses "Dictionary" encoding to encode/decode the dimension values (check this blog); Usually a dimension's cardinality is less than millions, so the "Dict" encoding is good to use. As dictionary need to be persisted and loaded into memory, if a dimension's cardinality is very high, the memory footprint will be tremendous, so Kylin add a check on this. If you see this error, please identify the UHC dimension first and then re-evaluate the design (whether it's needed to make that as a dimension?). If it must be kept, you can by-pass this error with a couple ways: 1) use other encodings (like fixed_length, integer) 2) or set a bigger value for kylin.dictionary.max.cardinality in conf/

How to Install Kylin on CDH 5.2 or Hadoop 2.5.x

I was able to deploy Kylin with the following options in POM.
My Cluster is running on Cloudera Distribution CDH 5.2.0.

SUM(field) returns a negative result while all the numbers in this field are > 0

  • If a column is declared as integer in Hive, the SQL engine (calcite) will use column's type (integer) as the data type for "SUM(field)". While the aggregated value on this field may exceed the scope of integer, the cast will cause a negative value be returned. The workaround is, alter that column's type to BIGINT in hive, and then sync the table schema to Kylin (the cube doesn't need rebuild); Keep in mind that, always declare as BIGINT in hive for an integer column which would be used as a measure in Kylin; See hive number types:

Why does Kylin need to extract the distinct columns from Fact Table before building cube?

  • Kylin uses dictionary to encode the values in each column, this significantly reduces the cube's storage size. To build the dictionary, Kylin needs to fetch the distinct values for each column.

Why does Kylin calculate the HIVE table cardinality?

  • The cardinality of dimensions is an important measure of the cube complexity. The higher the cardinality, the bigger the cube, and thus the longer to build, and the slower to query. Cardinality > 1,000 is worth attention and > 1,000,000 should be avoided at best effort. For optimal cube performance, try to reduce high cardinality by categorize values or derive features.

How to add new user or change the default password?

Using sub-query for un-supported SQL

Original SQL:
select fact.slr_sgmt,
sum(case when cal.RTL_WEEK_BEG_DT = '2015-09-06' then gmv else 0 end) as W36,
sum(case when cal.RTL_WEEK_BEG_DT = '2015-08-30' then gmv else 0 end) as W35
from ih_daily_fact fact
inner join dw_cal_dt cal on fact.cal_dt = cal.cal_dt
group by fact.slr_sgmt
Using sub-query
select a.slr_sgmt,
sum(case when a.RTL_WEEK_BEG_DT = '2015-09-06' then gmv else 0 end) as W36,
sum(case when a.RTL_WEEK_BEG_DT = '2015-08-30' then gmv else 0 end) as W35
from (
select fact.slr_sgmt as slr_sgmt,
sum(gmv) as gmv36,
sum(gmv) as gmv35
from ih_daily_fact fact
inner join dw_cal_dt cal on fact.cal_dt = cal.cal_dt
group by fact.slr_sgmt, cal.RTL_WEEK_BEG_DT
) a
group by a.slr_sgmt

Build kylin meet NPM errors (中国大陆地区用户请特别注意此问题)

  • Please add proxy for your NPM:
    npm config set proxy http://YOUR_PROXY_IP

  • Please update your local NPM repository to using any mirror of, like Taobao NPM (请更新您本地的NPM仓库以使用国内的NPM镜像,例如淘宝NPM镜像) :

Failed to run BuildCubeWithEngineTest, saying failed to connect to hbase while hbase is active

  • User may get this error when running hbase client the first time, please check the error trace to see whether there is an error saying couldn't access a folder like "/hadoop/hbase/local/jars"; If that folder doesn't exist, create it.

Kylin JDBC driver returns a different Date/time than the REST API, seems it add the timezone to parse the date.

What kind of data is left in 'kylin.env.hdfs-working-dir' ? We often execute kylin cleanup storage command, but now our working dir folder is about 300 GB size, can we delete old data manually?

  • The data in 'hdfs-working-dir' ('hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/' by default) includes intermediate files (will be GC) and Cuboid data (won't be GC). The Cuboid data is kept for the further segments' merge, as Kylin couldn't merge from HBase. If you're sure those segments won't be merged, you can move them to other paths or even delete.

  • Please pay attention to the "resources" or "jdbc-resources" sub-folder under '/kylin/kylin_metadata/', which persists big metadata files like dictionaries and lookup tables' snapshots. They shouldn't be manually moved.

How to escape the key word in fuzzy match (like) queries?

"%", "" are keywords in the "like" clause; "%" matches any character, and "" matches a single character; When you want to match the keyword like "", you need to escape them with another character ahead; Below is a sample with "/" to escape, the query is to match the "xiao": "select username from gg_user where username like '%xiao/_%' escape '/'; "