This page lists the major RESTful APIs provided by Kylin.


POST /kylin/api/user/authentication

Request Header

Authorization data encoded by basic auth is needed in the header, such as:
Authorization:Basic {data}

Response Body

  • userDetails - Defined authorities and status of current user.

Response Sample


Curl Example

curl -c /path/to/cookiefile.txt -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXX" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<host>:<port>/kylin/api/user/authentication

If login successfully, the JSESSIONID will be saved into the cookie file; In the subsequent http requests, attach the cookie, for example:

curl -b /path/to/cookiefile.txt -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"startTime":'1423526400000', "endTime":'1423526400', "buildType":"BUILD"}' http://<host>:<port>/kylin/api/cubes/your_cube/build

Alternatively, you can provide the username/password with option “user” in each curl call; please note this has the risk of password leak in shell history:

curl -X PUT --user ADMIN:KYLIN -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8" -d '{ "startTime": 820454400000, "endTime": 821318400000, "buildType": "BUILD"}' http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/cubes/kylin_sales/build


POST /kylin/api/query

Request Body

  • sql - required string The text of sql statement.
  • offset - optional int Query offset. If offset is set in sql, curIndex will be ignored.
  • limit - optional int Query limit. If limit is set in sql, perPage will be ignored.
  • acceptPartial - optional bool Whether accept a partial result or not, default be “false”. Set to “false” for production use.
  • project - optional string Project to perform query. Default value is ‘DEFAULT’.

Request Sample

   "sql":"select * from TEST_KYLIN_FACT",

Curl Example

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "sql":"select count(*) from TEST_KYLIN_FACT", "project":"learn_kylin" }' http://localhost:7070/kylin/api/query

Response Body

  • columnMetas - Column metadata information of result set.
  • results - Data set of result.
  • cube - Cube used for this query.
  • affectedRowCount - Count of affected row by this sql statement.
  • isException - Whether this response is an exception.
  • ExceptionMessage - Message content of the exception.
  • Duration - Time cost of this query
  • Partial - Whether the response is a partial result or not. Decided by acceptPartial of request.

Response Sample


List queryable tables

GET /kylin/api/tables_and_columns

Request Parameters

  • project - required string The project to load tables

Response Sample


List cubes

GET /kylin/api/cubes

Request Parameters

  • offset - required int Offset used by pagination
  • limit - required int Cubes per page.
  • cubeName - optional string Keyword for cube names. To find cubes whose name contains this keyword.
  • projectName - optional string Project name.

Response Sample


Get cube

GET /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}

Path Variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name to find.

Get cube descriptor

GET /kylin/api/cube_desc/{cubeName}
Get descriptor for specified cube instance.

Path Variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name.

Response Sample

        "uuid": "a24ca905-1fc6-4f67-985c-38fa5aeafd92", 
        "name": "test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc", 
        "description": null, 
        "dimensions": [
                "id": 0, 
                "name": "CAL_DT", 
                "table": "EDW.TEST_CAL_DT", 
                "column": null, 
                "derived": [
                "hierarchy": false
                "id": 1, 
                "name": "CATEGORY", 
                "table": "DEFAULT.TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS", 
                "column": null, 
                "derived": [
                "hierarchy": false
                "id": 2, 
                "name": "CATEGORY_HIERARCHY", 
                "table": "DEFAULT.TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS", 
                "column": [
                "derived": null, 
                "hierarchy": true
                "id": 3, 
                "name": "LSTG_FORMAT_NAME", 
                "table": "DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT", 
                "column": [
                "derived": null, 
                "hierarchy": false
                "id": 4, 
                "name": "SITE_ID", 
                "table": "EDW.TEST_SITES", 
                "column": null, 
                "derived": [
                "hierarchy": false
                "id": 5, 
                "name": "SELLER_TYPE_CD", 
                "table": "EDW.TEST_SELLER_TYPE_DIM", 
                "column": null, 
                "derived": [
                "hierarchy": false
                "id": 6, 
                "name": "SELLER_ID", 
                "table": "DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT", 
                "column": [
                "derived": null, 
                "hierarchy": false
        "measures": [
                "id": 1, 
                "name": "GMV_SUM", 
                "function": {
                    "expression": "SUM", 
                    "parameter": {
                        "type": "column", 
                        "value": "PRICE", 
                        "next_parameter": null
                    "returntype": "decimal(19,4)"
                "dependent_measure_ref": null
                "id": 2, 
                "name": "GMV_MIN", 
                "function": {
                    "expression": "MIN", 
                    "parameter": {
                        "type": "column", 
                        "value": "PRICE", 
                        "next_parameter": null
                    "returntype": "decimal(19,4)"
                "dependent_measure_ref": null
                "id": 3, 
                "name": "GMV_MAX", 
                "function": {
                    "expression": "MAX", 
                    "parameter": {
                        "type": "column", 
                        "value": "PRICE", 
                        "next_parameter": null
                    "returntype": "decimal(19,4)"
                "dependent_measure_ref": null
                "id": 4, 
                "name": "TRANS_CNT", 
                "function": {
                    "expression": "COUNT", 
                    "parameter": {
                        "type": "constant", 
                        "value": "1", 
                        "next_parameter": null
                    "returntype": "bigint"
                "dependent_measure_ref": null
                "id": 5, 
                "name": "ITEM_COUNT_SUM", 
                "function": {
                    "expression": "SUM", 
                    "parameter": {
                        "type": "column", 
                        "value": "ITEM_COUNT", 
                        "next_parameter": null
                    "returntype": "bigint"
                "dependent_measure_ref": null
        "rowkey": {
            "rowkey_columns": [
                    "column": "SELLER_ID", 
                    "length": 18, 
                    "dictionary": null, 
                    "mandatory": true
                    "column": "CAL_DT", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "LEAF_CATEG_ID", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "META_CATEG_NAME", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "CATEG_LVL2_NAME", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "CATEG_LVL3_NAME", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "LSTG_FORMAT_NAME", 
                    "length": 12, 
                    "dictionary": null, 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "LSTG_SITE_ID", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
                    "column": "SLR_SEGMENT_CD", 
                    "length": 0, 
                    "dictionary": "true", 
                    "mandatory": false
            "aggregation_groups": [
        "signature": "lsLAl2jL62ZApmOLZqWU3g==", 
        "last_modified": 1445850327000, 
        "model_name": "test_kylin_with_slr_model_desc", 
        "null_string": null, 
        "hbase_mapping": {
            "column_family": [
                    "name": "F1", 
                    "columns": [
                            "qualifier": "M", 
                            "measure_refs": [
        "notify_list": null, 
        "auto_merge_time_ranges": null, 
        "retention_range": 0

Get data model

GET /kylin/api/model/{modelName}

Path Variable

  • modelName - required string Data model name, by default it should be the same with cube name.

Response Sample

    "uuid": "ff527b94-f860-44c3-8452-93b17774c647", 
    "name": "test_kylin_with_slr_model_desc", 
    "lookups": [
            "table": "EDW.TEST_CAL_DT", 
            "join": {
                "type": "inner", 
                "primary_key": [
                "foreign_key": [
            "table": "DEFAULT.TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS", 
            "join": {
                "type": "inner", 
                "primary_key": [
                "foreign_key": [
    "capacity": "MEDIUM", 
    "last_modified": 1442372116000, 
    "fact_table": "DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT", 
    "filter_condition": null, 
    "partition_desc": {
        "partition_date_column": "DEFAULT.TEST_KYLIN_FACT.CAL_DT", 
        "partition_date_start": 0, 
        "partition_date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd", 
        "partition_type": "APPEND", 
        "partition_condition_builder": "org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.PartitionDesc$DefaultPartitionConditionBuilder"

Build cube

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/build

Path Variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name.

Request Body

  • startTime - required long Start timestamp of data to build, e.g. 1388563200000 for 2014-1-1
  • endTime - required long End timestamp of data to build
  • buildType - required string Supported build type: ‘BUILD’, ‘MERGE’, ‘REFRESH’

Curl Example

curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXX" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"startTime":'1423526400000', "endTime":'1423526400', "buildType":"BUILD"}' http://<host>:<port>/kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/build

Response Sample

   "name":"test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty - 19700101000000_20140731160000 - BUILD - PDT 2014-08-12 22:48:36",
         "name":"Create Intermediate Flat Hive Table",
         "exec_cmd":"hive -e \"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6;\nCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6\n(\nCAL_DT date\n,LEAF_CATEG_ID int\n,LSTG_SITE_ID int\n,META_CATEG_NAME string\n,CATEG_LVL2_NAME string\n,CATEG_LVL3_NAME string\n,LSTG_FORMAT_NAME string\n,SLR_SEGMENT_CD smallint\n,SELLER_ID bigint\n,PRICE decimal\n)\nROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\\177'\nSTORED AS SEQUENCEFILE\nLOCATION '/tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6';\nSET mapreduce.job.split.metainfo.maxsize=-1;\nSET;\nSET;\nSET mapred.output.compress=true;\nSET mapred.output.compression.codec=com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec;\nSET mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK;\nSET mapreduce.job.max.split.locations=2000;\nSET hive.exec.compress.output=true;\nSET = true;\nSET = 300000000;\nINSERT OVERWRITE TABLE kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6\nSELECT\nTEST_KYLIN_FACT.CAL_DT\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LEAF_CATEG_ID\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_SITE_ID\n,TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.META_CATEG_NAME\n,TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.CATEG_LVL2_NAME\n,TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.CATEG_LVL3_NAME\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_FORMAT_NAME\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.SLR_SEGMENT_CD\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.SELLER_ID\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.PRICE\nFROM TEST_KYLIN_FACT\nINNER JOIN TEST_CAL_DT\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.CAL_DT = TEST_CAL_DT.CAL_DT\nINNER JOIN TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LEAF_CATEG_ID = TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.LEAF_CATEG_ID AND TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_SITE_ID = TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.SITE_ID\nINNER JOIN TEST_SITES\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_SITE_ID = TEST_SITES.SITE_ID\nINNER JOIN TEST_SELLER_TYPE_DIM\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.SLR_SEGMENT_CD = TEST_SELLER_TYPE_DIM.SELLER_TYPE_CD\nWHERE (test_kylin_fact.cal_dt < '2014-07-31 16:00:00')\n;\n\"",
         "name":"Extract Fact Table Distinct Columns",
         "exec_cmd":" -conf C:/kylin/Kylin/server/src/main/resources/hadoop_job_conf_medium.xml -cubename test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty -input /tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6 -output /tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty/fact_distinct_columns -jobname Kylin_Fact_Distinct_Columns_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty_Step_1",
         "name":"Load HFile to HBase Table",
         "exec_cmd":" -input /tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty/hfile/ -htablename KYLIN-CUBE-TEST_KYLIN_CUBE_WITH_SLR_EMPTY-19700101000000_20140731160000_11BB4326-5975-4358-804C-70D53642E03A -cubename test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty",

Enable Cube

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/enable

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name.

Response Sample


Disable Cube

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/disable

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name.

Response Sample

(Same as “Enable Cube”)

Purge Cube

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/purge

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name.

Response Sample

(Same as “Enable Cube”)

Resume Job

PUT /kylin/api/jobs/{jobId}/resume

Path variable

  • jobId - required string Job id.

Response Sample

   "name":"test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty - 19700101000000_20140731160000 - BUILD - PDT 2014-08-12 22:48:36",
         "name":"Create Intermediate Flat Hive Table",
         "exec_cmd":"hive -e \"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6;\nCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6\n(\nCAL_DT date\n,LEAF_CATEG_ID int\n,LSTG_SITE_ID int\n,META_CATEG_NAME string\n,CATEG_LVL2_NAME string\n,CATEG_LVL3_NAME string\n,LSTG_FORMAT_NAME string\n,SLR_SEGMENT_CD smallint\n,SELLER_ID bigint\n,PRICE decimal\n)\nROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\\177'\nSTORED AS SEQUENCEFILE\nLOCATION '/tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6';\nSET mapreduce.job.split.metainfo.maxsize=-1;\nSET;\nSET;\nSET mapred.output.compress=true;\nSET mapred.output.compression.codec=com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec;\nSET mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK;\nSET mapreduce.job.max.split.locations=2000;\nSET hive.exec.compress.output=true;\nSET = true;\nSET = 300000000;\nINSERT OVERWRITE TABLE kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6\nSELECT\nTEST_KYLIN_FACT.CAL_DT\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LEAF_CATEG_ID\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_SITE_ID\n,TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.META_CATEG_NAME\n,TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.CATEG_LVL2_NAME\n,TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.CATEG_LVL3_NAME\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_FORMAT_NAME\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.SLR_SEGMENT_CD\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.SELLER_ID\n,TEST_KYLIN_FACT.PRICE\nFROM TEST_KYLIN_FACT\nINNER JOIN TEST_CAL_DT\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.CAL_DT = TEST_CAL_DT.CAL_DT\nINNER JOIN TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LEAF_CATEG_ID = TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.LEAF_CATEG_ID AND TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_SITE_ID = TEST_CATEGORY_GROUPINGS.SITE_ID\nINNER JOIN TEST_SITES\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.LSTG_SITE_ID = TEST_SITES.SITE_ID\nINNER JOIN TEST_SELLER_TYPE_DIM\nON TEST_KYLIN_FACT.SLR_SEGMENT_CD = TEST_SELLER_TYPE_DIM.SELLER_TYPE_CD\nWHERE (test_kylin_fact.cal_dt < '2014-07-31 16:00:00')\n;\n\"",
         "name":"Extract Fact Table Distinct Columns",
         "exec_cmd":" -conf C:/kylin/Kylin/server/src/main/resources/hadoop_job_conf_medium.xml -cubename test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty -input /tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/kylin_intermediate_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_desc_19700101000000_20140731160000_c143e0e4_ac5f_434d_acf3_46b0d15e3dc6 -output /tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty/fact_distinct_columns -jobname Kylin_Fact_Distinct_Columns_test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty_Step_1",
         "name":"Load HFile to HBase Table",
         "exec_cmd":" -input /tmp/kylin-c143e0e4-ac5f-434d-acf3-46b0d15e3dc6/test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty/hfile/ -htablename KYLIN-CUBE-TEST_KYLIN_CUBE_WITH_SLR_EMPTY-19700101000000_20140731160000_11BB4326-5975-4358-804C-70D53642E03A -cubename test_kylin_cube_with_slr_empty",

## Pause Job
PUT /kylin/api/jobs/{jobId}/pause

Path variable

  • jobId - required string Job id.

Discard Job

PUT /kylin/api/jobs/{jobId}/cancel

Path variable

  • jobId - required string Job id.

Get Job Status

GET /kylin/api/jobs/{jobId}

Path variable

  • jobId - required string Job id.

Response Sample

(Same as “Resume Job”)

Get job step output

GET /kylin/api/jobs/{jobId}/steps/{stepId}/output

Path Variable

  • jobId - required string Job id.
  • stepId - required string Step id; the step id is composed by jobId with step sequence id; for example, the jobId is “fb479e54-837f-49a2-b457-651fc50be110”, its 3rd step id is “fb479e54-837f-49a2-b457-651fc50be110-3”,

Response Sample

   "cmd_output":"log string"

Get Hive Table

GET /kylin/api/tables/{tableName}

Request Parameters

  • tableName - required string table name to find.

Response Sample

    uuid: "69cc92c0-fc42-4bb9-893f-bd1141c91dbe",
    name: "SAMPLE_07",
    columns: [{
        id: "1",
        name: "CODE",
        datatype: "string"
    }, {
        id: "2",
        name: "DESCRIPTION",
        datatype: "string"
    }, {
        id: "3",
        name: "TOTAL_EMP",
        datatype: "int"
    }, {
        id: "4",
        name: "SALARY",
        datatype: "int"
    database: "DEFAULT",
    last_modified: 1419330476755

Get Hive Table (Extend Info)

GET /kylin/api/tables/{tableName}/exd-map

Request Parameters

  • tableName - optional string table name to find.

Response Sample

    "minFileSize": "46055",
    "totalNumberFiles": "1",
    "location": "hdfs://",
    "lastAccessTime": "1418374103365",
    "lastUpdateTime": "1398176493340",
    "columns": "struct columns { string code, string description, i32 total_emp, i32 salary}",
    "partitionColumns": "",
    "EXD_STATUS": "true",
    "maxFileSize": "46055",
    "inputformat": "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
    "partitioned": "false",
    "tableName": "sample_07",
    "owner": "hue",
    "totalFileSize": "46055",
    "outputformat": ""

Get Hive Tables

GET /kylin/api/tables

Request Parameters

  • project- required string will list all tables in the project.
  • ext- optional boolean set true to get extend info of table.

Response Sample

    uuid: "53856c96-fe4d-459e-a9dc-c339b1bc3310",
    name: "SAMPLE_08",
    columns: [{
        id: "1",
        name: "CODE",
        datatype: "string"
    }, {
        id: "2",
        name: "DESCRIPTION",
        datatype: "string"
    }, {
        id: "3",
        name: "TOTAL_EMP",
        datatype: "int"
    }, {
        id: "4",
        name: "SALARY",
        datatype: "int"
    database: "DEFAULT",
    cardinality: {},
    last_modified: 0,
    exd: {
        minFileSize: "46069",
        totalNumberFiles: "1",
        location: "hdfs://",
        lastAccessTime: "1398176495945",
        lastUpdateTime: "1398176495981",
        columns: "struct columns { string code, string description, i32 total_emp, i32 salary}",
        partitionColumns: "",
        EXD_STATUS: "true",
        maxFileSize: "46069",
        inputformat: "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat",
        partitioned: "false",
        tableName: "sample_08",
        owner: "hue",
        totalFileSize: "46069",
        outputformat: ""

Load Hive Tables

POST /kylin/api/tables/{tables}/{project}

Request Parameters

  • tables - required string table names you want to load from hive, separated with comma.
  • project - required String the project which the tables will be loaded into.

Response Sample

    "result.loaded": ["DEFAULT.SAMPLE_07"],
    "result.unloaded": ["sapmle_08"]

Wipe cache

PUT /kylin/api/cache/{type}/{name}/{action}

Path variable

  • type - required string ‘METADATA’ or ‘CUBE’
  • name - required string Cache key, e.g the cube name.
  • action - required string ‘create’, ‘update’ or ‘drop’

Initiate cube start position

Set the stream cube’s start position to the current latest offsets; This can avoid building from the earlist position of Kafka topic (if you have set a long retension time);

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/init_start_offsets

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name

Response Sample

    "result": "success", 
    "offsets": "{0=246059529, 1=253547684, 2=253023895, 3=172996803, 4=165503476, 5=173513896, 6=19200473, 7=26691891, 8=26699895, 9=26694021, 10=19204164, 11=26694597}"

Build stream cube

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/build2

This API is specific for stream cube’s building;

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name

Request Body

  • sourceOffsetStart - required long The start offset, 0 represents from previous position;
  • sourceOffsetEnd - required long The end offset, 9223372036854775807 represents to the end position of current stream data
  • buildType - required Build type, “BUILD”, “MERGE” or “REFRESH”

Request Sample

   "sourceOffsetStart": 0, 
   "sourceOffsetEnd": 9223372036854775807, 
   "buildType": "BUILD"

Response Sample

    "uuid": "3afd6e75-f921-41e1-8c68-cb60bc72a601", 
    "last_modified": 1480402541240, 
    "version": "1.6.0", 
    "name": "embedded_cube_clone - 1409830324_1409849348 - BUILD - PST 2016-11-28 22:55:41", 
    "type": "BUILD", 
    "duration": 0, 
    "related_cube": "embedded_cube_clone", 
    "related_segment": "42ebcdea-cbe9-4905-84db-31cb25f11515", 
    "exec_start_time": 0, 
    "exec_end_time": 0, 
    "mr_waiting": 0, 

Check segment holes

GET /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/holes

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name

Fill segment holes

PUT /kylin/api/cubes/{cubeName}/holes

Path variable

  • cubeName - required string Cube name